WACC Europe elects new leadership

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WACC Europe elects new leadership

WACC’s regional association in Europe unanimously elected new leaders, reflected on accomplishments since its last assembly in 2019, and thanked outgoing president Stephen Brown at its assembly on 26 April.

Elected as officers of the new 12-person Regional Executive Committee (REC) were:
— Ralf Peter Reimann (Germany) as president, representing the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland
— Agnieszka Tarnogórska (Poland) as vice president, personal member
— Jane Stranz (France/Switzerland/UK) as secretary, personal member
— Katherine Shirk Lucas (France) as treasurer, personal member

Additional members of the Regional Executive Committee include:
— Stephen Brown (France/Switzerland/UK), personal member
— Arní Svanur Danielsson (Iceland/Switzerland), representing the Lutheran World Federation
— Gavin Drake (UK), representing The Anglican Communion
— Gianluca Fiusco (Italy), representing the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Italy
— Alba Sabaté Gauxachs (Spain), representing Blanquerna Foundation
— Marian Knetemann (Belgium), personal member
— Julienne Munyaneza (Switzerland/UK), personal member
— Waltraud Verlaguet (France), personal member

Reimann thanked Brown for his leadership as president of WACC Europe since 2015.

Danielsson added: “Who could have foreseen what a weird, weird time it would be when we were elected to the board [in 2019]? I just want to highlight and really want to thank Stephen and those who took on the leadership roles and guided us through this. Looking at the work that’s been achieved, I think that’s impressive.”

In his report, Brown highlighted some of WACC Europe’s work during the past four years, including the European Festival for Religious Television and Online Programmes and the projects “Breaking Down the Social Media Divides” and “Changing the Narrative,” as well as the region’s involvement in WACC Global’s work, such as the symposium “Communication for Social Justice in a Digital Age” and the Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP).

“I feel very honoured to have been able to serve as WACC Europe’s president during this time and can only repeat my thanks to all those with whom I have worked during this time, and the partnerships which have been nurtured with other organizations,” said Brown.