
Projects supported by WACC Europe include:

Breaking Down the Social Media Divides

This project report and guidelines to counter hate speech on line will be launched October 13, 2020. The project aims to identify social media methodologies and campaigns that effectively bridge attitudinal divides on migration and other divisive issues in European society, to promote the voices of refugees and migrants and other marginalised people through social media platforms, and inspire multi-organizational campaigns that support tolerance and inclusion.

Changing the Narrative on Migration

A new project beginning in 2021 aims to strengthen and expand comprehensive and accurate news coverage of migration and asylum through skills building, networking, and knowledge of migration realities for journalists from Africa, Middle East and Europe.

Refugees Reporting

This unique project includes :

  • media monitoring, assessing the representation of refugees by national media of selected European countries with a particular focus on how much space refugees are given in the news.
  • a survey of refugee-led groups, assessing current communication practices and engagement with the media, collect good and bad practices, and suggestions on how to improve engagement and a proper representation;
  • engagement with media professionals, to understand what type of guidelines exist and to draft a good practice guide on how to engage with refugees in the media and how to make sure that refugee voices are adequately represented and listened to.

The media monitoring project brings together advocates, activists and researchers in a newly founded European network, dedicated to documenting and changing patterns of portrayal in the news.

European Television Festival of Religious Programmes

Supported by WACC Europe and SIGNIS Europe, the festival takes place every 3 years. The 2017  festival in Paris was hosted by the Comité Français de Radio-Télévision (CFRT) and WACC founder the Fédération protestante de France (FPF), which produce Roman Catholic and Protestant programming for the French public television network France 2.

Gender and Media

WACC Europe supports the Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP), WACC Global’s flagship media monitoring and advocacy initiative running since 1995, the largest research and advocacy initiative in the world on gender equality in and through the news.