WACC Latin America elects new Regional Executive Committee

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WACC Latin America elects new Regional Executive Committee

WACC Latin America elected a new Regional Executive Committee during its assembly on 18 October 2022 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Leonardo Felix (president), Nieves Vargas (vice president), Cirenia Celestino Ortega (secretary), and Marcela Gabioud (member-at-large) will give leadership in the region in the future. An appointment for the office of treasurer is pending. The Regional Executive Committee ensures representation of the four sub-regions: Southern Cone, Central America, Andean Zone and Brazil.

WACC Latin America comprises more than 30 communicators as individual members and as many faith-based and human rights organizations as corporate members.

The WACC affiliate in Latin America offers a space for reflection and runs collective projects to promote the right to communication for historically excluded populations including Indigenous, Afro-descendants, people with disabilities, and migrants, as well as to achieve equality between women and men.

During its four-year mandate, the outgoing Regional Executive Committee faced the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic by taking measures to reduce the digital divide and open virtual spaces of reflection for the contexts of the region.

Based on the Spanish-language original article for cimacnoticias by Cirenia Celestino Ortega.

Photo: The newly elected Regional Executive Committee of WACC Latin America, 18 October 2022. Photo by WACC Latin America.