Special meeting of WACC members

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A Special Meeting of Members of the World Association for Christian Communication will be held on Tuesday 18 December, 2018 commencing at 10:00 EST, for the following purposes:

1. To authorize the corporate restructuring of the Corporation in accordance with the recommended changes submitted to the membership.

2. To authorize Articles of Amendment of the Corporation to make the following changes:

(a)        cancel the current Class A membership category and the current Class B membership category and authorize the Corporation to establish one (1) class of members where each member shall be entitled to receive notice of, attend and vote at all meetings of the members of the Corporation; and

(b)        amend the number of directors of the Corporation from the current range of a minimum five (5) and a maximum 23 directors to a minimum three (3) directors and a maximum 14 directors.

3. To amend the General Operating By-law No. 1 to provide for the qualifications of membership for the new class of voting members and to make other necessary revisions.

All members are welcome, but only current corporate members of WACC Canada are eligible to vote. In lieu of participation at the meeting, members may opt to submit an instrument of proxy to the WACC office.

For further information, please contact the WACC General Secretariat.